Hi, I'm Chrissi Kelly and I lost my sense of smell as the result of a sinus infection in 2012. At the time, there was very little information or understanding for patients and I don't mind admitting I felt very alone and very afraid. Determined to find answers, I reached out to some of the world's leading researchers and clinicians who were generous with their time and knowledge. In turn, I've been able to share what I've learned with other patients which ultimately became AbScent, registered as a UK charity in 2019.
We don't have all the answers, and the gap between research and patient is still wide. By coming together to share our lived-experience we can build our combined knowledge, and share that with others like us. Working with clinicians and researchers, we can bridge the gap between researchers and people like us. Your experiences, when shared within our community, can help others who are just like you. Come on in!
To all the amazing people who so generously give their time, experience and support to turn this negative thing that has happened to us into something truly positive, thank you!.